New Function

The QUEX ED can allow the doctor to measure the body electric with measurements of EEG brain waves, ECG heart rhythms, EMG muscle tension, Skin resistance and reactivity. Then using proven safe electrical stimulation wellness techniques like Electro-Trauma-Healing to repair injuries, Electro-Nerval Stimulation to reduce pain, VARHOPE to balance the body electric, and encephalon- stimulation for emotion control and addiction release.
The QUEX ED does sophisticated electrical measures of the body electric that guide the stimulation process thru and auto-focusing cybernetic loop to treat “Dys-Ease” and reduce stress. Using Transcutaneous Voltammetric Evoked Potential (TVEP) the QUEX ED can help you find a lifestyle, diet, and health program to help people deal with any illness.
When we used a more scientific process of measuring the body electric to include true EEG, ECG, EMG, GSR, EPR and TVEP we expanded and advanced the technology of the Energetic Medicine. Using the electro Stimulation of ETH, MTENS, MCES and VARHOPE we pushed this cutting edge of natural medicine to a new level. An incredible history of evidence based research and careful testing and validation of the innovative and future thinking health science has sharpened the QUEX ED technology.
The QUEX ED seeks to naturally energetically stimulate the body electric to balance, boost and cure itself.
When the body osmosis works better, hormones work better and enzymes works a little bit better. Since all body processes work thru osmosis, hormones and enzymatic processes, everything works a bit better. The RDUCTOR makes an energetic pulsed field onto the body that makes the body a bit better and improves healing and health.